Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3 Dual Stainless GBB

Tokyo Marui

Replica’s mogen niet worden verzonden vanwege de Belgische wetgeving en dienen te alle tijde gereserveerd en afgehaald te worden in onze workshop.

Hi-Capa 4.3 from Tokyo Marui. Metal parts included : front and rear sight, hammer, safety, magazine catch and nickel-plated inner barrel. Near 300fps when using HFC22 TOP Gas! Metal made magazine holds up to 28 rounds of BBs. Slide composed of high impact ABS plastic. Absoultely heavy and solid, shooting feels like other metal slide pistols!

For my pesronal reference, one of the best airsoft pistols on the market

Replica’s may not be shipped due to Belgian law and must be reserved and collected at all times at our workshop.

